Conserving Transcendent Language

Treasuring the Transcendent Power of Words (How wonder and beauty resides on the tip of our tongue)

Treasuring the Transcendent Power of Words(How wonder and beauty resides on the tip of our tongue) Information is physical and, like all else, it is subject to the principles of energy i.e the ways of the universe. Hence we are our language and we live this paradox of information: our use of a word (symbol)…

I am a button

Treasuring the Transcendent Power of Words
(How wonder and beauty resides on the tip of our tongue)

Information is physical and, like all else, it is subject to the principles of energy i.e the ways of the universe. Hence we are our language and we live this paradox of information: our use of a word (symbol) simultaneously reflects and generates our state of being.
This article discusses how we can best conserve and employ the transcendent power of our language so it sustains us.

Existential questions arise from this paradox of information that involve our very survival.
How can a man (human being) transcend this great paradox of the human condition?
How can we each transcend the paradoxical, complementary forces of our psyche – in particular the exclusive, divisive force of the ego and the inclusive, connective force of compassion?

This conundrum of our existence presents us with choice – often seeming inconvenient choice – involving our survival as individuals, as societies and as a species. It generates a swirling host of interrelated questions, many of which are unanswerable.

A simple solution is to begin with the ultimate and acknowledge that no man has power over “the ways of the universe”, also commonly known as “the principles of physics”. And perhaps no principle offers more profound insight into the truths of the universe than the Conservation of Energy Principle.

The Conservation of Energy Principle.
(Exemplar of an Ego-Derived Definition)

The prevailing Anglo exclusive definition of this great principle states it thus:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.
Energy – in physics, this is an indirectly observed quantity often understood as the ability of a physical system to do work on other physical systems.”

Credit Wiki and similar Crown English literature.

The definition is exclusive in that energy is imagined as an inert thing (an “it”), something extrinsic to human beings, something that we act upon rather than being our vital essence. This, conveniently for the ego, excludes human beings from the continuous universal transformation. Similarly “work” is defined in a very exclusive “Big Business” way, demeaning the role of women, children, elderly and Earth’s ecosystem.
See “What is Energy?”

The Conservation of Energy Principle.
(Exemplar of a Compassionate Definition)

A more inclusive definition of this great principle states it thus:

Energy is the universal potential, all of which is active and continuously transforming all forms.
The Conservation of Energy Principle advises us that energy is the continuous universal transformation and is so bounteous that it can usefully be understood to be a constant, a simple, elegant, beautiful constant.

This definition is inclusive in that it opens us to all that is possible while reminding us all men (human beings) are mortal, moral beings, simply finite forms of energy, as are all the other countless myriad possible forms of energy. This is our role and destiny as part of the universal flux, the continuous transformation of all.

We are Information Beings

We live a paradox of information: the universal transformation continuously informs all possible forms even as each form informs all.
We live the conundrum of self-awareness that our thought process cannot enable us to transcend paradox and, without compassion, the ego entraps us in paradox.

We are information beings, as are all other forms of energy in one way or another.
We exist as exquisite, precarious balances of information amidst the immense, ever-changing, effervescent transformation according to the principles of energy.
We exist as manifestations of the universal potential unto ourselves, which is why and how we are our language regardless of what the ego would have us believe, say and do.

This is why sages have for millennia advised us in their various ways that our prime Civic duty is to continually correct our language so as to ensure it is sustainable i.e. in accord with reality. Our failure to do so inevitably generates all manner of delusions that cause division, social corruption, war and misery.

For instance, a legend of Confucius © 2500BCE) is that, when asked by a disciple (Tzu Lu?) what was the first measure to be taken in order to improve the administration, Confucius replied, “It would certainly be to rectify (correct) language” The disciple was incredulous and Confucius explained:

A superior man, in regard to what he does not know, shows a cautious reserve. If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success. When affairs cannot be carried on to success, proprieties and music do not flourish. When proprieties and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly awarded. When punishments are not properly awarded, the people do not know how to move hand or foot. Therefore a superior man considers it necessary that the names he uses may be spoken appropriately, and also that what he speaks may be carried out appropriately. What the superior man requires is just that in his words there may be nothing incorrect.Wiki — Confucius, Analects, Book XIII, Chapter 3, verses 4–7, Analect 13.3, translated by James Legge[4]

The Analects states that social disorder often stems from failure to call things by their proper names, that is, to perceive, understand, and deal with reality.

Scholars evaluate and interpret Confucius’s statement about the importance of words and names in various ways. Some interpret it in very narrow, exclusive ways. Others interpret it in very wide, inclusive ways. Some rebut it entirely.
It is less disputable that Confucius remains the greatest psychologist~physicist in recorded history and his wisdom has informed countless people over millennia and sustained their societies to this day in ways that many of its beneficiaries are unaware of.
For instance, his teachings inspired and sustained many in Europe in the 1800s and profoundly informed the creators of the US Constitution.

photo Confucius, Moses, and Salon in the east gate of the Federal Supreme Court of the United States.
Confucius, Moses, and Salon in the east gate of the Federal Supreme Court of the United States.
Culturomics: The Diachronic Spreading of Confucianism and Taoism in the UK and the USA, 1800s–2000s

(A Brief Definition)

No man can truly know what reality is, let alone describe it adequately in words. Being finite, paradoxical beings, we can merely endeavour to ensure our use of words is as inclusive and transcendent as possible.

Since mankind has existed, men of all creeds have subject the Conservation of Energy Principle to the most intense, rigorous, ingenious scrutiny human beings are capable of. It has never been disproved in any practical way and it remains our most concise, truthful description of the essence of reality, which is all is continuous change. All is continuous transformation.

Given this universal reality, our existence in our human form depends on our capacity to embrace and live in harmony with it.
Given this universal reality, our existence in our human form depends on our capacity to embrace and live in harmony with it.
Every word we say, every act we do can be understood as a form of prayer, an invocation, an incantation to the universe and, in turn, the universe informs us according to how in harmony our word or deed is with the Conservation of Energy Principle.

Cartoon of 3D mobius loop illustrating the complementary relationship of the ego and compassion in the  psyche set against the cosmos.
Cartoon attempting to illustrate how each of us exists as dynamic balance of forces amidst the vast, universal flux, being informed by all even as we inform all, our situation made complex and unfathomable by our need to maintain a balance of the exclusive, divisive force (the ego) and its complement, the connecting, inclusive force (compassion).

Always the ego instigates us, tempts us, deceives us into framing our interaction with everything in exclusive ways that reflect and serve its narrow, self-serving, acquisitive, divisive, delusional nature and ways.
Without compassion, the ego can easily have us be our own worst enemy and, ultimately, to have us self-destruct.

It is our experience of compassion with its inclusive spirit of truth-seeking, sharing, trust and generosity that enables us to embrace the Conservation of Energy Principle as a great source of wisdom, a profound prophetic guide, an invaluable psychoanalytic tool, a proven benchmark to measure the sustainability of our words~deeds.

True Hope of Physics
(Transcending the Limitations of The Ego, Paradox and Words)

Compassion reminds us in humility that we live a paradox of information in that our use of a word simultaneously reflects and generates our state of our being. We can employ this potent paradoxical state of being to change our behaviour and language so they inform each other in sustaining ways.

The ancient wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle is simple when received in compassion: all existence involves this paradox of change: the continuous universal change is a constant. And this reality of change and the finite (mortal) nature of all forms inevitably involves some form of suffering for all sentient beings.

If the Conservation of Energy Principle is true, then the paradox of information give rise to this sustainability principle of energy:

A symbol used in acceptance of the universal change enhances the capacity of the user to reflect reality and enjoy greater harmony with all.
A symbol used in denial of the universal change destroys the capacity of the user to reflect reality and generates dissonance with all.

This may well be a general statement for all manner of sentient beings. Stated in terms of spoken language:

A word used in acceptance of the universal change enhances the capacity of the user to reflect reality and enjoy greater harmony with all.
A word used in denial of change destroys the capacity of the user to reflect reality and generates dissonance with all.

No matter the size, type or other variant, all formations are physical and subject to the principles of physics, the ways of the universe. Only a trace few of the countless, myriad possible formations are ever manifest to us. However sufficient sustaining possibilities materialize that we survive.

The gift is to be able to use our language to call these sustaining possibilities into being. Our lives are enabled and enhanced by our careful cultivation of transcendent words – words that enable us to transcend the ingenious trickery and vast self-deceits of the ego.

Such words tend to better reflect the universal reality of change and open us to the greater, wondrous, universal potential. Thus the universal potential can be manifest in our experience of more vibrant, magical, meaningful lives and greater harmonious behaviour.

For instance, we give care to conserving the transcendent power of the word “energy” by giving all forms of energy their own name according to their unique characteristics. We become less delusional, our behaviour becomes less addictive and we live in greater meaning and bounty when we refrain from conflating energy with any of the forms it may take.

Practical Civics of Language
(An Exemplar of Conserving the Transcendence Power of a Word)

We use the word “mean” constantly and assume we know what we are saying. This website is about “meaning” – the meaning of words in particular and yet few of us reflect on what we are really saying. The ego ( the “I”) assures us that “I know what I am saying”.

This exemplar illustrates how we can learn the etymology of a word (the known evolution and changing meaning of a word over millennia) and set that information against the associated behaviour of a people over time. We can then evaluate the relative sustainability of both language and behaviour according its degree of harmony with the Conservation of Energy Principle, By this means, we can better transcend the self-deceits of the ego.

The table chart shows how the words “mean” arises from three PIE words (1) “ko-moin-i”(commonality, universality), (2) “medhyo” (middle, moderation) (3) “meino” (opinion, intent).
They reflect a more compassionate ethos whereas by the 20th C the use of the word “mean” reflects the division, alienation and confusion typical of the ego.

Practical Wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle
(Embracing True Hope of Physics of Language )

  • Embrace the reality of the continuous, universal transformation: all information is physical and thus acts according to the principles of physics.
  • Embrace the reality of our human condition: we existas unique, exquisite, finite balances of the universal forces and all existence involves paradox, which is fundamentally beyond the realm of thought (words).
  • Give care to your use of words as if your life depends on their meaning – because it does. Be of the habit of asking, “What am I actually saying?”
  • Employ the profound, practical wisdom of the Conservation of Energy Principle as your guide and inspiration.
  • Cultivate the qualities of compassion because humility reveals the limitations of words; honesty, generosity and open inquiry generate plentitude; and, in general, our spirit of inclusiveness sustains us with the wondrous power of words.
  • Know the ego ever strives to have us use any word in more narrow, exclusive ways to serve its arrogant, acquisitive spirit. Seek out and treasure words with more inclusive meaning for they better enable the universal potential to be manifest to you in more majestic, magical and liberating ways.
  • Learn how the meaning given to words over millennia sustained our ancestors so that your use of the words provides a bounteous future for our children.
  • Be open to and learn from other languages. No word or person or culture is perfect. All languages arise from one and each has sustained Mankind in some vital way until today.
  • Above all, treasure words that enable us to transcend paradox e.g. our paradox of love, energy, power, action, change, space, time, information, light, sound, sex, seasons, waves and other paradox that frame our world views.
Photo from the International Space Station showing the layers of Earth's atmosphere in the sunset. CREDIT NASA with quote from author overlaid. It reads "Transcendent words bring forth the wondrous universe in our souls"Photo from the International Space Station showing the layers of Earth’s atmosphere in the sunset. CREDIT NASA
Photo from the International Space Station showing the layers of Earth’s atmosphere in the sunset.

Longer essay exploring the potential of transcendent words here.
Our media constantly use the words in the appendix below. Please note: the words are linked to more in-depth discussion.

First draft completed 4 December 2024