Forms of Energy

We are information beings, formations existing as finite, dynamic balances amidst the continuous transformation, informing all even as we are informed by all the other countless, myriad, possible formations.We are being transformed even as we transform all according to the principles of physics. A prime principle, if not the prime principle of physics, is the…

I am a button

We are information beings, formations existing as finite, dynamic balances amidst the continuous transformation, informing all even as we are informed by all the other countless, myriad, possible formations.
We are being transformed even as we transform all according to the principles of physics. A prime principle, if not the prime principle of physics, is the Conservation of Energy Principle.

Billions of years in a moment. Even with the aid of the most sophisticated sense-enhancing technology known to man, no human being can imagine the energy, the vast array of possible forms existing in this tiny glimpse into a trace element of the firmament, the universal formation, the continuous universal transformation.
See X-rays (blue) emitted by newborn stars in the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way -.
NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.

The Conservation of Energy Principle.
(A Compassionate Definition)

The most transcendent definition of energy is that it is the universal potential, all of which is active. It is action. It is change. It is continuous transformation
The most transcendent statement of the Conservation of Energy Principle in this context is the following:

Energy, being the universal transformation, continuously changes all forms and is so bounteous it can usefully be called a constant.

In other words, paradoxically energy is all forms though no form is energy and transformation (change) is a universal constant.

As with all forms, a human being is a finite form of energy, a transient balance of information amidst the universal transformation.
In other words, we are mortal, moral beings, a situation made complex and often very difficult by the fact that every self-aware decision we make involves the incredible, ingenious self-deceits of the ego. This is compounded by the limited capacity of the thought process to transcend paradox. Indeed paradox is an anathema to the ego, the exclusive force from which our vanity, arrogance and delusional hopes arises in our psyche

For instance, we can use a transcendent word like “form”, which is both a noun and a verb, yet the ego has us struggle to simultaneously imagine “the acted upon” with “the action”.
The noun is the perceived form that is acted upon whereas the verb is the forming of the perceived, the perception.

A picture can communicate paradox in ways a thousand words cannot. However a picture cannot communicate what even a young baby can when they “form” their food.
Note: the word “act” is also a transcendent word, being both a noun and a verb like “form”.
Credit Photo cropped. Dinesh Valke from Thane, India. w:en:Creative Commons attribution share alike

The ego, being the exclusive force of our psyche, would have us resolve this paradoxical conundrum of the word “form” by conflating it with the word “perception”. Hence the psychopathic phenomenon of the US Energy Information Administration providing the following “explainer”:

The US Energy Information Administration explaining there only 6 forms energy and these can be grouped into 2 types - potential and kinetic
Six forms of energy? The EIA folk exclude the trillions of forms of energy that are manifest to us and the countless trillions beyond our perception. They then compound their denial of the scale of the universal potential by a factor of trillions by implying it is basically inactive. This delusion can only generate dystopia.

Perceptions and Formations
(True Hope of Physics)

Compassion reminds us we are information beings amidst the universal transformation and such extreme exclusive, delusional language is indicative of an ego-driven culture that fatally estranged from reality. The EIA conflates “perception” with “form” in a hopeless way.

The principles of physics remind us in compassion, in the interconnection of all, in the ways of the universe, in the paradox of information – especially the paradoxical reality that any form is informed by all possible forms even as it informs them all.

Accordingly how we perceive the universal potential determines how it is manifest in our lives and this is determined by how in accord our language~behaviour is with the principles of energy. . We cannot simply “will” the universal potential to deliver what the ego would have us crave.

Our perceptual relationship with energy (the universal potential) is summed in the statement Power = Energy/Time with our sense of time being the vital variable in the equation. And always our self-sense of time is subject to the exclusive (divisive), acquisitive force of the ego…

The paradox of information means that ultimately means we can perceive the power of any formation in terms of any other formation whether it be a subatomic particle, a drop of water or a galaxy. Ultimately, if we were as eternal as the universe, we could perceive the universe in and through any form.

We live the paradox of perception~perceiving, which ultimately means we can perceive the power of any formation in terms of any other formation. Ultimately we can perceive the universe in and through any form. Perhaps no one alluded to this reality better in the English language than William Blake (1757-1827)

William Blake paints Isaac Newtown crouched over at the bottom of the black ocean obsessed with measuring, dissecting and abstracting existence, completely out of touch with reality. Blake believes the prevailing obsession with reason and rationality is psychotic and unsustainable at both the individual and societal level.
Credit William Blake, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Blake is living through the advent of the English Combustion Revolution (aka the English Industrial Revolution), which is now two centuries later impacting the whole surface of planet Earth in a catastrophic way. Its brutality, pollution and general horrors were already becoming apparent in Britain by the 1800s.

Blake clearly understood the vital role of true perception, the psychopathy of the ego and how, without compassion, men’s behaviour becomes exclusive, arrogant, acquisitive and delusional.

Blake writes in his poem “Auguries of Innocence” the following great verse:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

This is one of the few lines of poetry most of us can recall from our English school days and it is probably the most likely to come to mind during miraculous moments, such as watching a young child inquiring and marveling in timeless way at some tiny speck in the pavement or garden. We still sense the truth of his verse despite the endeavours of our “Science” and “Physics” teachers in our Anglo media to suppress it. We understand how we can understand all things from a multitude of perspectives including ourselves as electrical beings, as thermal beings, as gravitational beings, as light beings, as kinetic beings and all manner of other potential beings.

from truehope Archives14 March 2025 To be completed

Wisdom of The Conservation of Energy Principle

There are countless forms of energy and we confuse energy with any particular form at our peril.

TRUE HOPE Existence involves paradox: there are myriad forms of energy, all being transformed even as each transforms all. All forms are of energy; no form is energy.
DELUSIVE HOPE The confusion of any form with energy results in obsessive behaviour involving fearful, arrogant, wasteful and polluting uses of the form. A sense of deprivation prevails.