We are our language and use of a word simultaneously reflects~generates our state of being.
Information being physical it is subject to the principles of energy. Hence we evaluate the sustainability of our language according to how relatively in accord (harmony) our use of a word is with the Conservation of Energy Principle.
Its wisdom provides us with both a profound system of psychoanalysis and a potent predictive tool that enables us to transcend our human condition.
Words used in accord with the Conservation of Energy Principle reflect~generate harmony with all whereas words used in denial reflect~generate dissonance and misery.

Below are exemplar tables illustrating how radical changes in word meaning over time can be correlated with radical changes in behaviour and measures of Earth’s global condition.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word) with societal change: Energy.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word) with societal change: Power.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word) with societal change: Economy.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word) with societal change: Warm-up.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word) with societal change: Fossil Fuel.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word over time) with societal change: Resource.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word over time) with societal change: Conservative.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word over time) with societal change: Physics.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word over time) with societal change: Science.

Etymology ( meaning change of a word over time) with societal change: Meaning.